Our 2001 Annual Meeting Program
Denver, Colorado, November 16-17
Friday, November 16
7:30 – 10:00 p.m.
Film Screening and Discussion: Poverty, Politics and Religion
A screening and discussion of the film Poverty, Politics and Religion (32 minutes, condensed and renamed version of Fishers of Men, produced by Ranjan Kamath and Padmavati Rao,1997). A treatment of tribal Christians in Madhya Pradesh and the attempts of some Hindus to encourage them to return to their Hindu roots.
Francis X. Clooney, Boston College, Moderator
Arti Dhand, University of Toronto
James Lochtefeld, Carthage College
Selva Raj, Albion College
Mat Schmalz, Holy Cross
The panel’s comments on film will be followed by audience discussion.
Saturday, November 17
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
9:00 – 11:00
Panel Discussion: Hindu Readings of a Christian Classic
A few years ago we had a panel on which a number of members read Siva Jnana Bodham and discussed what they found, questioned, and explored in the text. This panel is the twin to that panel, as now we have scholars who are Hindus reading a Christian classic, in order to discuss what they find, explore and question as they read it in light of the expectations and vocabulary of Hindu traditions.
Brian Pennington, Maryville College, Presiding and Initiating Discussion
Deepak Sarma, Salisbury State University
Parimal Patil, Emory University
Pravrajika Vrajaprana, Vedanta Society of Southern California
11:00 – 11:30
Business Meeting
Selva Raj, Albion College, Presiding