The Hindu-Christian Studies List
Description and Purpose
HCStudies is the academic email discussion list of the Society for Hindu-Christian Studies. Known for its collegiality, the list is an expression of the society’s primary mission: fostering study of Hinduism and Christianity and their interrelationships in an academic context.
HCStudies provides a forum in which professional scholars active in the society may exchange ideas and information on matters pertaining to their research and teaching.
HCStudies is a private mailing list, which means that it is not open to the general Internet public. Nor is it open to all members of the Society for Hindu-Christian Studies. Subscriptions are normally available only to society members with terminal degrees in related academic disciplines (e.g., religious studies, theology, South Asia area studies) researching and/or teaching in the field of Hindu-Christian studies. Guest subscriptions are available to graduate students currently doing work in these fields. Other individuals, such as clergy with scholarly training, may be permitted to join the list at the discretion of the society’s board. It is assumed that all subscribers will be familiar with current methodologies and assumptions in academic theology and/or religious studies.
These eligibility criteria are to help ensure that the discussion remains as much as possible on an informed, professional, and academic level.
List Manager: Lance Nelson, University of San Diego (
N.B.: All subscribers to HCStudies are expected read and abide by the list rules stated below. Subscribers are also urged to read and follow the HCStudies list courtesy guidelines.
Google Workspace Hosting
While HCStudies is hosted in our Google Workspace, having a Google account or using a Gmail email address is not required. Users can post to the list and receive messages from the list with no problem using a non-Gmail address.
If you subscribe with a Gmail address, however, or with an institutional Google Workspace address with institutional branding (i.e., using your institution’s domain name), it will be more convenient to manage your subscription. Gmail or institutionally branded Gmail users will have access the list archive via, which requires being logged into a Google account.
Note that we have the settings for this list adjusted for maximum privacy. While non-members can find that this list exists, they cannot see the messages members have posted. Only subscribers with Gmail accounts can access the archives and see the record of list member discussions. For other privacy concerns, please consult the general Google privacy policy, terms, and settings.
New Subscriptions
As indicated above, HCStudies is a private list. Subscriptions are not automatic, but are restricted to individuals with the qualifications described above. To request a subscription to HCStudies, please fill out and submit the form below. Sincere thanks for your interest.
List Rules
Participants in HCStudies are expected to be familiar with, and abide by, the following rules, which are designed to maintain the focus, professional tone, and collegiality of the list. Any subscribers who repeatedly violate any of these rules, in letter or spirit, will be placed on moderated status, pending possible removal from the list.
1. Absolutely no discussions that are acrimonious or vituperative in tone, and no personal attacks or flaming, will be tolerated on this list.
2. There should be no extended back and forth discussions on single topics between two individuals or a limited number of individuals. Such discussions should be taken off-list.
3. Subscribers should avoid posting extended verbatim copies of material, especially full newspaper articles, that are already available elsewhere on the Web. If you want to refer HCStudies subscribers to such material, please give a short summary and the link to the original source.
4. Note that the use of this group is subject to the Google Groups Content Policy regarding hate speech, advocation of violence, adult content, and the like.
List Courtesy
HCStudies subscribers are urged to observe the following guidelines out of courtesy to fellow subscribers.
1. Because this is a large list and not all subscribers know each other, please be sure that any postings to HCStudies contain a signature with your full name and institutional affiliation. This will also help to maintain the professional tone of the discussions.
2. Subscribers who post bibliographic inquiries on HCStudies are urged to assemble and edit the resulting references (with complete details as to publication, page numbers, etc., if at all possible) and post this list on HCStudies.
Please forward any suggestions regarding the above guidelines to the list manager and/or the society’s president.