Our 2016 Annual Meeting Program

San Antonio, Texas, November 18-21

Friday, November 18
7:00-9:00pm, Convention Center-215 (2nd Level – West)

Discussion: Divine Self, Human Self: The Philosophy of Being in Two Gita Commentaries by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Best Book in Hindu-Christian Studies—Philosophy/Theology (2011-2015)


Vasudha Narayanan, University of Florida
Gavin Hyman, Lancaster University
Catherine Cornille, Boston College
Laurie Patton, Middlebury College

Respondent: Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

Saturday, November 19
7:30-8:30am, Hilton Palacio del Rio-La Corona (Mezzanine Level)

Society for Hindu-Christian Studies Board Meeting

Saturday, November 19
9:00-11:30am, Hilton Palacio del Rio-El Mirador C East (Conference Center – 22nd Level)

Theme: Yoga and God: Hindu and Christian Perspectives

Veena Howard, California State University, Fresno, Presiding

Bradley Malkovsky, University of Notre Dame
Comparative Reflections on the Divine from Christian and Yogic Perspectives

Rita Sherma, Graduate Theological Union
The Non-Systematized Iswara of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and Iswari of the Shakti Bhaktas of Bengal

Stephanie Corigliano, California State University, Humboldt
Devotion and Discipline: Christian Yoga and the Yoga of T. Krishnamacharya

Michael Stoeber, Regis College, University of Toronto
Issues in Christian Encounters with Kundalini Yoga

Responding: Andrea Jain, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis

Business Meeting

Chad Bauman, Butler University, Presiding

Monday, November 21
1:00-3:30pm, Convention Center-212A (2nd Level – West)

Joint Session with the Religion in South Asia Section, the Sikh Studies Group, and the Space, Place and Time Group

Theme: Religious “Site Visits” as Pedagogical Method

Charles Townsend, University of California, Riverside, Presiding

This roundtable panel will discuss religious “site visits,” “field trips,” or taking (or sending) students “into the field”—especially for short visits—as a pedagogical method. What are the ways that it is pedagogically valuable to extend the classroom learning environment to visits with local religious communities?

Panelists who have taught in different institutional settings—from small private colleges, to large public universities, to leading study abroad groups—will discuss: the “mechanics” of how they conduct site visits with students (including issues such as transportation and institutional support); how they frame site visits as coursework and assignments; how they harness potential teaching moments before, during, and after site visits; and stories and experiences about what has and has not proved effective and thoughts on avoiding possible problems or pitfalls. Ample time will be given to open discussion with audience members.


Brian J. Nichols, Mount Royal University
Anne Murphy, University of British Columbia
Andrea Marion Pinkney, McGill University
Michael Hawley, Mount Royal University
Jonathan H. X. Lee, San Francisco State University
Ravi M. Gupta, Utah State University